Minio: high-performance multi-Cloud Object Storage
With industry-leading performance and scalability, MinIO can deliver a range of use cases from AI/ML, analytics, backup/restore, and modern web and mobile apps. It's packed with powerful features.
Update: since June 2022, MinIO supports all the advanced features like Quota / Versioning / Object locking / Retention in all versions. It's a great achievement and was a long-awaited feature.
Main benefits
- Cloud agnostic object storage, you can deploy it on any cloud & on-premise
- Modern Web UI with bucket browser, configuration, logs & traces
- Full AWS S3 API compatibility
- Support replication and cluster mode
- Support for IAM policies, quota, versioning, Object Locking, Retention, Lifecycle rules, Notifications, and more.

Use cases
MinIO is a lifesaver if you are in one of those situations:
- You have a software that requires an S3 bucket but you have to deploy it in a specific cloud provider or on-premise
- You need an S3 bucket with very low latency, MinIO can achieve 10x lower latencies than an S3 bucket
- You need buckets for dev/staging/pre-prod quickly and for cheap
- You need a Web UI to manage your buckets / Users / Policies / Replication without calling an API (but you can also do it with the API)
- You need an off-site backup for disaster recovery needs

MinIO deployment checklist:
- Deploy MinIO instance with Docker
- Configure a reverse proxy to expose your container to internet with SSL/TLS
- Configure a rate limiter to protect your instance and an output cache to optimize performance
- Monitor your instance and configure alerts
- Do upgrades frequently (every week)
- Do OS upgrades frequently (every week)

If you want automated backups, reverse proxy with SSL termination, DOS protection, firewall, automated OS & Software updates (So your instance of MinIO stays always up to date), and a team of Linux experts and open source enthusiasts to ensure your services are always safe, and functional.
Click on the button below to get a fully managed instance of MinIO ready to use in less than 3 minutes.